Tuesday, 17 February 2009


It is in the shared folder, in a 3rd yr exhibition folder should anyone need to use it.
Website coming along very nicely....updates very soon.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

More stuff....

Top - Original
2nd Down - Blur effect added.
3rd Down - Ranger Finder without film strip
4th Down - Range Finder with Film Strip

Here are the edits of the logo. Note that the colours change. This illustrates that they can. We can use different colour schemes for different purposes and poster campaigns etc.

See also the idea I had for posters. 3D (anaglyph) design. Its pretty cool. Will be at meeting on tuesday, with glasses. Comments then I suppose.

This is only one of 4 variants of this idea. Also note the changing colour again. This time just greyscale. Versatile eh?

Dave I

Ps. This is the exciting design news previously mentioned.

Friday, 13 February 2009


Just a little update/request.....

can people email Adam Clarkson (comfortzoneexhibition@googlemail.com) their requirements for their work. Even if you are not sure, at least you may be able to say what your work is not going to be, or a rough idea of series length or image size.......only 3-4 people have done this so far and that stinks of shit. It isn't on.

can people email Lacey with sponsorship ideas......

can people email (Tracey, I think) with names of people etc they would like to invite to the show.

My concern, and I'm sure other people share this, is that a large section of the exhibition group appear quite despondent to the requests of the exhibition group. If you haven't done any of these things please can you get on to it. The thing is that we are all in this for each other. What ever work one or two or three people do not do, someone else has to make up and it starts becoming unfair that the people who are not pulling their weight get the same show as other people who are sweating their giblets off. You see my pickle? Unfortunately the people who are reading this are probably not the people that need to.


Dave I

Meeting Tuesday. Come along.
Exciting Design news and poster material.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Meetings update!


Ok, so two meetings took place yesterday, one with team leaders and one with Steffi and Chris. In the meeting at 10 we basically went over each area so everyone could update as to how they're getting on etc.

Venue - contract is in the post and should be received by the end of the week.
Design - ideas put forward for vote, voting took place in the second meeting so the design team are now going to come up with something combining the two winning designs (correct me if I'm wrong, this is how I understood it to be happening!). Also it has been agreed that we will pay Dave's brother £200-250 for a flash/html etc website which everyone was happy with.
PR & Marketing - Tracy is going to try and organise some speakers to attract visitors to the show. Also, a catalogue is being looked at but there are still a couple of concerns over the cost of this. Will update more about it once we know.
Finance - A few people still have to pay their £150 (to Jean B). The total amount aimed to raise by fundraising is £1000. Can everyone try and fill a bag of saleable items for the jumble sale on the 3rd of March? Drop these off to Lacey's house. There was an emailing sent out the other day confirming her address etc. Don't forget also the Simpsons fundraiser which is the 12th March (further details on Facebook). There are a few more ideas for how to raise money such as photography sessions, involvement of local schools, print sale at Spitalfields, quiz night and a hairdressing day. Will keep everyone posted! We have £320 in fundraising so far so a little way to go but I'm sure this is achievable!!

So.. sponsorship. After much debate and then a discussion with Steffi it was decided that it would be wiser to forget about the BAE Systems idea if people were going to drop out. I think it was about 30% of people who objected, which it was felt was too many for it to be dealt with. Several other ideas were raised, and everyone is meant to be emailing FIVE potential sponsor ideas to Lacey by the end of this week.

Curation and Technicians - not a huge amount to report yet. Some members of these teams have merged to form a group responsible for sorting out a list of potential people to invite. Curation team has a list of people's work but I think there are couple of people who haven't told me what they imagine they'll be doing. Hopefully there will be a visit to the space soon so we can get the ball rolling.

Think that's about it at the moment.

THE NEXT MEETING IS 10.00 AM ON THURSDAY 12TH FEB in the Kbar!!!!! Anyone is welcome to attend.

Oh lastly, Steffi voiced a concern that we were not good at communicating as a group. If there is anyone who is not receiving any of the emails that have been circulated, see Simon as I think he can put your address on to the systemy thing or however it's done. Also, please please people use the blog. I know some people have so far but even if it's just "I've had an idea for this..." post it. If anyone still doesn't have the login email me - miss_speranza@hotmail.com and I'll give it to you! The exhibition meetings are there for everyone to come to, not just team leaders. They happen every week so if you want to bring something up or just check in with everything defo go to them.


Monday, 2 February 2009


Oop, so there may or may not be a meeting tomorrow afternoon depending on the weather. Hopefully there will, this weather is (although very pretty!) rather inconsiderate!!!! Will attempt to update when I know if we're allowed in or not.

Take care everyone!
